Hi! My name is Ann Jiang. I am a Master of Arts Student in Sociology at the University of Chicago. I study the intersection of culture, network, political sociology, and global sociology. Tied by my interest in complex and emerging social relations, I have studied a diverse range of cases.

Specifically, I am interested in the meso-level context of social classifications. Especially, the role of social network & culture in how—people, institutions, and the state—conceptualize, contend with, and contest categories of social difference in today’s diverse but divided world. In the past, I examined the culture & boundaries of sexualities through the network position of unsettled cases, such as bisexuality. In the future, I plan to study the relationship between network & culture in the adoption & maintenance of immigration attitudes & social membership between newcomers and natives.

My enthusiasm for sociological research methodology drives me to become a multi-methods researcher.